The significance of a detected colon polyp matches closely with the confidence score of an interpreting radiologist using virtual colonoscopy. This suggests that virtual colonoscopy may help determine if polyp removal is truly needed, thereby avoiding overuse of invasive conventional colonoscopy, according to a new study in the December 2004 issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology.
Virtual colonoscopy is a relatively noninvasive examination that uses a CT scan to evaluate the colon for polyps. "Among the benefits of virtual colonoscopy are that, unlike conventional colonoscopy, the procedure does not require intravenous pain medications, sedation or recovery room time," said Perry J. Pickhardt, MD, from the University of Wisconsin Medical School and lead author on the paper.
For the study, 1,339 patients with no symptoms underwent both virtual colonoscopy and conventional colonoscopy. A total of 305 polyps were found at virtual colonoscopy that were 6 mm or larger, the size at which the physician needs to decide how to treat the patient. For those polyps, the likelihood that the polyp was found at conventional colonoscopy and that it was potentially precancerous correlated closely with the confidence score of the interpreting radiologist.
Virtual Colonoscopy Can Help Patients Avoid Conventional ColonoscopyALEXANDRIA, VA -- December 1, 2004 -- The significance of a detected colon polyp matches closely with the confidence score of an interpreting radiologist using virtual colonoscopy. This suggests that virtual colonoscopy may help determine if polyp removal is truly needed, thereby avoiding overuse of invasive conventional colonoscopy, according to a new study in the December 2004 issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology. Virtual colonoscopy is a relatively noninvasive examination that uses a CT scan to evaluate the colon for polyps. "Among the benefits of virtual colonoscopy are that, unlike conventional colonoscopy, the procedure does not require intravenous pain medications, sedation or recovery room time," said Perry J. Pickhardt, MD, from the University of Wisconsin Medical School and lead author on the paper. For the study, 1,339 patients with no symptoms underwent both virtual colonoscopy and conventional colonoscopy. A total of 305 polyps were found at virtual colonoscopy that were 6 mm or larger, the size at which the physician needs to decide how to treat the patient. For those polyps, the likelihood that the polyp was found at conventional colonoscopy and that it was potentially precancerous correlated closely with the confidence score of the interpreting radiologist.
"Although conventional colonoscopy is an excellent test, it does carry a small but real risk for significant complications. While this risk is acceptable for patients with large polyps, it may outweigh the potential benefit for patients without large polyps, which comprise the vast majority of the asymptomatic screening population. In short, it seems prudent to reserve this more invasive procedure for those patients with a higher likelihood for harboring a significant polyp," said Dr. Pickhardt.
The study was sponsored in part by the Department of Defense and was conducted at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC, and the Naval Medical Center in San Diego, CA.
posted on 4:23 AM
Colonic Irrigation Definition Colonic irrigation is the process of flushing large amounts of water into the intestinal tract, reaching the upper portions of the bowel.
Description of Colonic Irrigation Enemas have legitimate uses but can be abused. Allegedly, colonics and enemas "detoxify" the system, taking out internal poisons so that diseases can be cured. They are often recommended in unproven therapies for cancer and by alternative practitioners for a variety of unrelated illnesses.
Colonic irrigation owes much to Max Gerson, a German physician who died in 1959. Gerson and his followers claimed that the use of coffee enemas eliminate poisons and offer a legitimate treatment for cancer.
The rationale behind the Gerson cancer therapy program of coffee enemas and a strict diet of juices from fruits, vegetables, and calves' liver is that the enemas eliminate poisons which were believed to be related to the onset of cancer. The coffee enema is the primary means by which proponents of Gersons's therapy claim to achieve "detoxification."
Proponents promote purging with coffee enemas as a treatment for cancer because they believe, as Gerson did, that an "unpoisoned" body possesses "reserves" that can recognize and destroy cancer. They believe that cancer is a degenerative disease that develops when normal oxidative (aerobic) energy metabolism in the liver and intestine is converted to abnormal fermentative (anaerobic) energy metabolism by "poisons" in processed foods.
Accordingly, they claim that cancer can be cured if the patient's body is detoxified by the coffee enema, and if the patient adheres strictly to the specific diet prescribed. After the body is detoxified, the essential organs destroy the cancer cells by an allergic inflammatory reaction. In a critique of the Gerson coffee enema cancer treatment published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Saul Green, a biochemist, argued that Gerson and his followers based their treatment on several invalid claims:
that cancer is caused by the body resorting to less efficient energy production after eating processed foods;
that coffee enemas stimulate bile production and detoxify the body; that enzymes from raw fruit and vegetables and calves' liver reactivate the damaged body organs;
and that the body, once cleansed, then undergoes an allergic reaction that only destroys cancer cells.
The bulk of the scientific research indicates that cancer is caused by mutations inducing uncontrollable and abnormal growth of cells and not by abnormal energy production. Furthermore, there is no evidence that any food therapy effectively treats cancer.
The conclusion reached by researchers is that frequent coffee enemas have never been shown to mobilize and remove poisons from the liver and the intestines of cancer patients. There is no evidence that "poisoned" oxidative enzymes in the liver and intestine are related to the onset of cancer. There is no evidence that a normal "healing" inflammatory reaction exists that can seek out and specifically kill cancer cells.
posted on 2:59 AM
Colon Hydrotherapy using Detoxification programs have long been used to help with many illnesses and conditions. Colon cleansing and colon hydrotherapy are two of the most popular detoxification therapies, and many swear by these alternative treatments for improved energy, health and vitality.
The colon is a long tube in your body that helps with the end of the digestive process, eliminates the residue of digestion from the intestinal tract and helps eliminate waste and toxins from the body. If the colon is not working properly, toxic waste and matter builds up in the body, causing fatigue and illness. Other symptoms of a “clogged” colon can include sluggishness and constipation, as the inner diameter of the colon becomes constricted with built up waste. Skin irritation, moodiness, gas and diarrhea can also be symptoms of a clogged colon.
Cleansing the colon can be essential for good health. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the entire length of the colon by flushing the organ with filtered water. A sterile tube is inserted into the rectum and filtered water is used to irrigate the colon. As the water is cleaning the colon, an evacuation tube carries the waste away. Years of debris, toxic matter and mucus can be removed quickly and without lingering side effects.
This treatment is far more effective than an enema because it cleans the entire colon. Enemas clear the bottom half of the colon but don’t reach the uppermost portion effectively. In order to achieve maximum benefit of a clean colon, the entire organ must be flushed.
If you are suffering from constipation, lethargy and you’ve noticed that your skin doesn’t look as good as it used to, give your body a boost by trying colon hydrotherapy. You keep your skin and the outside of your body clean, so why not do the same for your insides? Do consult a licensed professional if you are convinced and wish to try out colon hydrotherapy.
posted on 1:32 AM