Do You Need to Detox? Are you overweight or tired all the time? Do you have headaches, other aches and pains, frequent colds and flus, constipation or digestive problems, high blood pressure, PMS, allergies or sensitivities. Do you often drink too much alcohol, drink caffeinated beverages, smoke cigarettes, use over-the-counter or recreational drugs, or eat fast, fried or refined foods?
It may be helpful to think of yourself as standing on the bull's eye in a series of concentric circles. The bull's eye marks the area that lies within your control. Each ring radiating outward means less personal control in areas where you interface -- your home, neighborhood, workplace, and your community.
Do You Smoke Cigarettes? Surely no one has to tell you they're toxic. But unless you're one of the few people who only smoke a couple at parties now and again, you've got an addiction that is not only expensive, but stinky, and truly unhealthy to others. One great way to look at this is if you can kick this habit (and you can) which is detoxifying in itself, other health improvements are going to be easy by comparison.
Detox Method: Fasting For Health Fasting is not as popular as it was in past times, but is an extremely effective measure. Fasting and (sensible) carbohydrate resticted diets have both been scientifically proven to extend life.
Fasting or going 'on a detox' can result in headaches and feeling dreadful as the poisons stored in tissue flood the system, it is essential to drink plenty of pure water. Avoid the more extreme regimes and if symptoms are severe seek medical help. Like dieting actual damage can result from long periods of fasting. Another word of warning - Fasting can be addictive.
Cilantro, a herb that is popular in Mexican and Far -Eastern cuisine is believed to help remove heavy metals, especially mercury. Do a "Google" Web search on Mercury and Cilantro. An infusion made from a small amount of the herb is one way of taking it. Some people recommend Chelation Therapy, which is a treatment where specially shaped molecules bind to the toxic metal and it is then removed from the body by the kidneys. (Do an internet search and see what others say about it). Some medical experts rubbish chelation therapy, but chelation can be very effective in removing specific metals from the body.
Best Detox: Sweating out Toxins Sweating is as essential to our health as eating and breathing. It accomplishes three important things: rids the body of wastes, regulates the critical temperature of the body at 37 degrees C (98.6 degrees F), and helps keep the skin clean and pliant.