Mainly your colon contains two types of bacteria, good and bad bacteria that exist in the small intestine and your colon. The good bacteria reduces your constipation by keeping away from multiplication of bad bacteria which results in constipation. Bacteria can be referred to by many different names in your colon - googd or bad bacteria, acidophilus, friendly flora, beneficial bacteria, acidophilus, disbiosis, proflora, micro flora, and unfriendly bacteria.
Most of the times bad bacteria dominate in your colon just keeping colon in constipation in many people. Make sure you should take proper medications at this stage unless you suffer from diseases that resulted from colon neglect and abuse. Bad bacteria multiples when you,
* Consume poisons such as pollution, pesticides, food additives such as preservatives, coloring, so on. * Drink alcohol
Good bacteria in your colon consists of hundred of species of bacteria. The good bacteria are most active in a pH of 5.9 to 6.9- an acidic environment. This makes for a healthy colon.
Your colon serves as a home for the good bacteria, which ferment specific carbohydrates, which in turn keep your colon environment slightly acidic. The acid environment favors the good bacteria and keeps the bad bacteria and pathogens from multiplying.
The bad bacteria create an alkaline environment and are most active in a pH of 7.1 to 7.9 Again, the good bacteria creates an acidic environment and are most active in a pH of 5.9 to 6.9
Acidophilus and Bifidus are the main good bacteria that exist in your colon. The ascending colon, on the right side of your abdomen area, has the most bacteria. The quantity of bacteria becomes less in the transverse colon and lesser in the descending colon. Eventually, little bacteria is found in the sigmoid and rectum. When good beneficial bacteria is dominant, in your colon, it prevents the spread of disease from various organisms – parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi. The specific organisms.
Shigella, salmonella, viruses, encephalitis, protozoan, amebas, staph, herpes, flu, cold viruses, comphylobacter, and CMV,are the ones that creates killer diseases such as dysentery, blood poisoning, meningitis, pneumonia, influenza and encephalitis
The good bacteria keep these organisms in the minority, thus preventing them from multiplying, getting into the blood, and into the different body organs. They do this by their antibiotic like secretions, lactic acid production, and other secretions, which keep their environment acidic.
The good bacteria live and thrive on carbohydrates. When your body has good digestion and little carbohydrates reach your colon, the good bacteria population decreases and the bad bacteria become dominant.
Good bacteria need to be fed to keep it dominant in your colon. If there are any good bacteria left in your colon, then by feeding them, you can get them to multiply. If there are not any good bacteria in your colon, then you cannot reestablish the good bacteria by eating specific carbohydrate foods. To reestablish good bacteria, under this condition, you must do a flora enema.
Indicators of a healthy colon flora are a soft but well-formed stool, with amber color and little or no odor, and that floats in water most of the time. When the stools are dry, dark brown, too solidly formed or too loose, and especially if there is a putrid odor, these are clear indicators of a putrefactive, alkaline-producing colon flora. Chronic constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome are often eliminated when your colon is restored and maintained at a slightly acid pH.
In research, Webster found that feeding the remaining good bacteria edible lactose whey rejuvenates the good bacteria in your colon. By drinking 2 – 5 tablespoons or more each day in a cup of distilled water enough lactose can reach your colon to feed the good bacteria. Webster recommends doing this for 30 days. After this period you can check your stools to see if you have reactivated your good bacteria.
To make matters worse, each year the average American consumes 150 lbs of sugar and 566 cans of soft drinks ("liquid candy") (1). Junk food consumption has grown drastically in the last few decades. Compared to 1981, in 2001 the average American consumed in one year: 45 large bags of potato chips - up 78%; 120 orders of French fries - up 130%; 190 candy bars - up 80%; 120 pastries or desserts - up 95%; 150 slices of pizza - up 143%.
Fast and junk foods contain dangerous additives, chemicals, and many are laced with excitotoxins such as aspartame. (Excitotoxins are substances added to foods and beverages that literally stimulate neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees.) (2) Looking at these astonishing figures, the fact that every second person in the U.S. is chronically ill should come as no surprise.
According to the Partnership for Solutions, led by Johns Hopkins University and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, more than 125 million Americans – nearly half of the population – have at least one chronic condition and 60 million have more than one condition. Examples of chronic conditions are cancer, heart disease, diabetes and glaucoma. By 2020, the number of people living with chronic conditions is expected to rise to 157 million and direct medical costs are expected to double to more than $1 trillion (80 percent of the nation's health care spending).
Colon Facts
The colon - also referred to as the large intestine is one of the four major main elimination systems of the body.
In Chinese medicine the internal organs are paired. The large intestine is paired with the lungs, the stomach is paired with the heart for example, the kidneys are paired with the bladder, etc.
Your large intestine is made up of four main sections: the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon & the sigmoid colon.
The total length of your large intestine is approximately 6 feet and it ends at the anus where feces are eliminated from the body.
The small intestines length is approximately 26 ft. long.
They are called large and small not because of their length but rather because of their width & diameter.
posted on 4:36 AM
Q. I am a 46-year-old male, 6 foot 4 inches and 235 pounds. I work in heavy construction and don't smoke, drink or do drugs. Are colon-cleansing products beneficial and safe to use?
A. Someone who is healthy does not need to "cleanse the colon." This is only appropriate prior to a colonoscopy.
The laxatives that are often used for so-called colon cleansing can be harsh. Used too frequently, they can damage the tissues of the colon or deplete the body of essential minerals.
posted on 3:41 AM